“The strength and happiness of a man consists in finding out the way in which God is going, and going that way too.” Henry Ward Beecher
What good is it to hear God’s voice if we aren’t going to OBEY? God blesses OBEDIENCE. God expects obedience with a good attitude. In Isaiah 1:19 we find that the willing and obedient eat the good of the land. We must take up our own cross and follow Jesus every day.
If we choose to disobey God, it can directly affect us and our families in a very negative way. How many times has God spoken to you in His still small voice and rather than obeying what God was telling you to do, you justified your actions? We may have a seemingly good excuse, but disobedience is disobedience. When we are disobedient, we are actually in REBELLION and find that we need achange of heart. 1 Samuel 15:1-9 Saul justified what he wanted rather thanobey what God was saying through the prophet Samuel. His disobedience cost him the throne!
To know and love God incorporates obedience. We are not servants, we are heirs and his children. As we grow in Christ, it’s imperative to “listen and obey,” when God speaks to us. Luke 22:42 Even Jesus prayed, “…not my will, but yours be done.” Philippians 2:13 One of my prayers is for the Lord to work in me to will and to do of His good pleasure.
When a parent corrects their child and the child continues to wine, beg, and even throw a temper tantrum, then that child is being rebellious and disobedient. Quick correction can take care of that attitude and God does the same with us. Let’s listen and obey choosing God’s will over ours!
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“TIMES OF REFRESHING” Garden Bible Study in Hawaii
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